We are taking a pause..

After persevering through the challenges of the Trump era, the pandemic and its economic impact, team transitions, and the end of our NY Dream Act campaign, and beyond, NYSYLC continues to be committed to immigrant justice and to our mission.

As we reflect on our journey and look towards the future, we recognize the importance of pausing and reevaluating our strategies to ensure long-term sustainability and impact.

We will be taking an organizational pause to assess our organization’s inner workings and take necessary steps to address critical questions about NYSYLC’s future. This pause will involve slowing down or canceling certain activities that may be impeding our capacity and hindering community involvement. By doing so, we aim to create space for focused attention on key areas that require our immediate attention.

Our primary objectives during this period include restructuring our goals, our work, our roles, and to better align ourselves with the demands of our members. We hope to develop comprehensive goals to streamline our efforts and to engage in a thorough mediation process to address internal team challenges.

Through this deliberate pause and restructuring, we are laying the groundwork for a stronger, more resilient NYSYLC that is better equipped to serve in community, fulfill our mission, and meet the challenges ahead with purpose and clarity.

We are deeply grateful for the continued support of our stakeholders and partners as we embark on this important journey of reflection and renewal.

Timeline: We aim to be on pause from May until the end of July/beginnings of August.

Thanks for your patience and care,



We are looking for a Board Chair!